
Monday, January 26, 2015

Scary Things

So I'm sitting here at the kitchen table, still nursing this terrible cold with a nice hot toddy.

While minding my own business, poking around on Fet, Daddy walks up and takes a seat next to me with an excited look on his face, or perhaps it was more of an evil and mischievous grin. Probably all one in the same, anyways!

He sat down with a pad of paper and a pen and started to sketch something. I couldn't tell at first what it was.  Then, He said hang on, let me draw it from a different angle.

Oh....THIS...I knew what this was!!

He then wrote down two things that I need to buy, when I get better of course.

(2) 4x4 wooden posts
(2) 1x4x10's.

As quickly as He had sat down, He was off again, leaving me wondering whether to laugh (you know...the crazy, insane, hysterical kind of laugh) or cry!

Any brave souls who want to guess what it might be?  I'm not sure I have the courage yet to admit what it is. 


  1. Oooo, ooooo, pick me, pick me!

    Is it one of those things? Dang it, I don't know what they're called...

    Hands go through one board and feet through the other? And those boards are attached to the posts? One of 'those' things?!

    1. LOL!! crack me up with your excitement. Nope it's not one of those. Actually, I wish it were:)

    2. Lol, I would like one of those too!

      Hummmmm, I will keep thinking... :)

    3. Okay, I got nothing else, I just keep thinking about that one contraption.

      Maybe if had some other clues... ;)

    4. I have to tell you, I did a Google image search for 'medieval torture device'...should not have done that! lol But it was funny to see eye lash curlers in there.

      Will it be a wooden horse?

    5. Ding...ding....ding! You guessed it!!

      All I can say is pray for me or pray that he never has time to make it!! Lol

  2. All i can think of is a milking stand. don't ask.

    No really, don't ask!

    1. I want to ask, mc kitten, but won't.

      Gosh, all these unknowns are driving me crazy.

    2. Kitten...i want to ask too:) Sounds quite interesting!!

  3.'s a clue. It was used many, many years ago as a torture device and I'm pretty sure it would still be considered that!!

  4. I'm praying you get your socks knocked off of you!

    1. Oh boy!! I have a feeling its going to be one of those more than I can handle types of things. I guess only time will tell.

  5. horse, yikes! at least it's not the rack. shivers....

    1. Very good point DF! There is something to be thankful for...maybe. Lol

  6. A horse can be ridden for varying amounts of time! Too little and the woman will not understand the lesson. Too long and she will never ride again.

    Here is a link to a description of a real-life experience "riding":

    1. Hi Mr. Grey. I appreciate your comment and can certainly see how that might be the case. I guess having no frame of reference makes it even more scary, along with the fact that I seem to be overly sensitive in that area anyway.

      I did check out the link and thought the post (as well as the blog) was awesome!! Heron already read it as well. Thank you for directing us there:)

  7. Boy oh boy girl, you are either in big trouble or bitter bliss. Keep us posted.

    1. Believe me...I'm in no hurry but I will keep you posted:)

  8. Lol, dang, I am late to this post - but my guess would have been correct, woo! :) Exciting!

    I hope you feel better! xx

    1. Thanks Amber. Glad you stopped by, even if it was late:)
