
Friday, January 23, 2015

When Life Throws You Lemons

There hasn't been much to write about since my last post.  It seems that I'm now trying to fight off the very same crud that I have successfully avoided this whole season.  I actually can't remember the last time I was sick, and while everyone else was falling like flies, I swore my lemon water was the key to me staying healthy.

Every time I feel even the slightest twinge of sickness coming on, I just up the amount of my lemon water and by the next day, I'm fine. Supposedly, it has something to do with keeping the pH in your body balanced and I'm sure the vitamin C doesn't hurt either.  

So...urggg!  Why do I feel like crap now??

Well, maybe it is still helping though because I haven't been sick enough to stay home from work, yet.

But I am sick enough that Daddy has been avoiding me like the plague.  He's swamped with work right now and can't afford to be under the weather.  

So, I've spent the evenings watching Netflix with the eldest.  She's been on rampage wanting to rewatch all the seasons of Grey's Anatomy, of all things.  Gosh...I had forgotten just how much sex was going on in that show! Makes me jealous that I'm not getting any.

But hey...I did manage to fix a leaky toilet.  Yay me! 

On a different note, i joined a local kinky book club!  My first meeting is at the end of February and the book to read for that meeting is Delta of Venus by Anais Nin.  It ordered it for about $4 on eBay and when I got in from work today, I was so excited to see it already arrived!!!

It's a cold, rainy Friday night here so it would be awesome to cuddle up with my new book and a warm drink.  But I have my own story to write first.  Chapter 3 is due to Daddy before the end of this weekend.  This cold needs to pass quickly. 


  1. hope you feel better soon. good luck with chapter 3
    hugs DF

  2. Sorry sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I can relate to the whole staying away thing. Rest up and feel better so you can be the story rather than having to read or write the story. Hugs.

  3. Thank you both. I wish I could say I felt better today. But I'm getting worse. Uggg...I hate being sick. On the positive side, I am almost done with my writing assignment. Wonder if he's going to want me to tell him the story with my clogged up and drippy nose...LOL!

  4. You poor thing. Not to sound like a mother hen but call the doctor!!! That nasty thing is going around and lasting way more than 1-2 weeks. You may recall my whining how it took my man about a month to get over it and that was only after a trip to the doctor and some meds. Take care and feel better. Hugs.

    1. Hi SGT. The nasty sure is going around. Now I'm home today with my youngest. I've been trying to get better all week but it's going slow for sure. Hugs back to you/
