
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Parents-1, Kid-0

Apparently, we have horrified our youngest! No worries...she didn't see anything.  She's just putting two and two together about what moms and dads do behind closed doors.  

Typically, we wait for most adult activities to happen once the house is quiet, and the little one is asleep.  I say little one but she is actually 11...going on 25!  Except for that part about not being able to stay in her bed all night.  

Well, Sunday night, I had a goal to complete...five complete blowjobs from Friday night to Sunday night. And the last one wasn't happening if we waited on her to go to bed.  So I tucked her in, told her we would be in our room for a little while, and that the door would be locked so she needed to go to bed on her own.

Oh, boy did I hear about it as soon as I got home from work yesterday! 

"Mom, I know what you and Dad were doing last night.  That's soooo disgusting".

She didn't really know. The door was locked and she couldn't hear a thing but she also wasn't buying the whole we were watching TV story.  Of course having an 18 year old to egg her on doesn't help at all..

She continues on saying she will NEVER get in our bed's just GROSS!!

When we were alone, Heron and I high-fived each other and joked that we should have taken that approach a long time ago if that's all it was going to take.


  1. HAHAHAHA This is priceless!!! my reaction exactly with the high five!!! so proud that you completed your goals for the weekend as well!

    1. We thought it was hilarious too! Sometimes they are just too smart for their own good. LOL

  2. HAHAHAHAHAhaaaaaaaa. It's your turn now. OMG too funny. We just cleared out the crew from the weekend but'll have to read my post that I will be working on tonight. Sending hugs :-)

    1. Just read your post! It's almost worse as they get older isn't it?!


  3. Replies
    1. Haha...yes it was:)

      Now let's see if it sticks.

  4. LOL! That's almost as funny as the older one seeing the pictures on your computer.

    1. OMG...I had almost forgotten about that. LOL. Well the older one recently found our St. Andrews Cross (not really knowing what it was) until she started reading 50 Shades. With the book in her hand, she looked up at me and said...Oh My God. I know what that thing is now!

      Yeah...not winning any mother of the years awards over here am I?!

    2. I'm cracking up! That is awesome.

      And, I don't think it reflects badly on your parenting, not even a little.

    3. Well thank you Misty. I feel like it will be quite the accomplishment if we can just keep from scarring them too badly. LOL

  5. lol. My eldest things kissing is yuk, so there is hope for us yet once she learns that kissing is only the tip of the iceberg of our sex life. :)

    1. Hi DF! There is light at the end of the tunnel hopefully for us both!!

      When my kids act like its gross, I just remind them to be thankful that we love each other and one day they will understand.


  6. Hi lg, I was wondering if you were taking questions during March at all?

    1. Hi DtBHC! I do plan on taking questions. Plan on posting that today. Just a little behind:)

    2. Looking forward to that Will be thinking of questions in the meantime.
