
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Unexpected Night Alone

Mother Nature can be a real witch, you know?!

Have you ever been so excited that plans just happened to work out at the last minute, plans that meant you and your love would finally have that much needed night alone?

Only then, to have mother nature play such a cruel trick.  I'm not sure why she is out to get me but I've been convinced for years that she is.

Friday, it was no surprise when I emailed Heron at work to tell Him about the recent turn of events...that our youngest would be spending the night out...AND...I just got my monthly visitor.

His reply... 


But at least I can take you out to dinner and a movie.

This was pretty exciting news because He wasn't just talking about a movie.  He was talking about the movie.

Now, I know He would rather poke both His eyeballs out with a fork before watching 50 SOG so I hadn't mentioned going since the first weekend but He knew I wanted to and was willing to sit through it for me cause He's sweet like that.  

I went about my day just tickled pink that we would be going out.  We got the little one squared away and grabbed a bite to eat at the mexican restaurant before heading to the movie.

The theatre wasn't packed by any means but there were still quite a few people there, some couples, but mostly it seemed liked an opportunity for a girls night out.  I assume with it being the 3rd weekend since it's release, the crowds have probably died down a bit.  It was funny, we both had similar thoughts of who out of all the people there had been getting their kink on:)

I had really enjoyed the first book but after hearing the reviews of the movie, I just tried to go in without any expectations.  Overall, I thought the movie was so-so.  I had always pictured someone else playing the part of Christian and as I suspected, was not happy with his character at all.  As Heron said, it's not like he was given alot of dialogue to work with, but he was just so monotone the whole time.  It's almost like he was trying too hard to pull of the surly dom thing and it just came off as forced and fake.

There were a few funny parts, and some of the sex scenes to me were pretty hot, but in between, I actually was getting a bit bored.

Heron was a good sport about the whole thing, only dozed off a couple of times and said He would have needed 11 boxes of candy to make it through. He was pretty interested in analyzing Anastasia's  wishy-washy behavior though and we talked about that a bit on the drive home.

When we got home, He fixed me a drink and then we retired upstairs.  I had asked to show my appreciation for our night out but He was still concerned about my cold.  It didn't take long to convince Him that I was in fact feeling better. 

I felt like a starved beast as I stroked and licked, urging Him to come alive under my tongue.  I took Him completely in my mouth and rotated my head as I moved up and down his entire length, swirling my tongue over His most sensitive spot.

My body was responding in kind with waves of electricity surging through me as if my mouth and pussy were somehow connected.

Stroking His balls with the fingers of my left hand, I felt them growing tighter.  I couldn't help but moan in pleasure myself as His cock, now completely rigid, began to throb and pulse in my throat.  I knew He was close. I watched as a puddle of drool formed at the base of His cock, the sound of His breathing quickened, and when each wave of His orgasm began, I relaxed my throat, drawing Him as far into me as I could.  My head continued moving ever so slightly to match the rhythm of His spasms, not satisfied until I was sure to have coaxed out every drop.

And the great thing about waking up the next morning to an empty house??  I got to wake Him up and do it all over again...and it was just as good the second time!


  1. OMG, that was absolutely lovely. So lovely that it was amazingly HOTTTT! You are a good little girl and it is obvious that your husband loves you very much. Congratulations on having the empty house. I know that at our house, it is such a rare and special treat.

    1. Thank you sub hub. It is a rare treat! I have to admit, I kind of stole an idea from you. Remember how you said Mistress K had you perform something in particular 5 times in one weekend? Well, after the second one yesterday morning, I asked Heron if I could try for 5 blowjobs this weekend. Of course, he didn't mind my suggestion. Well, so far we only have one left to go:)

    2. Oh yes, I remember it well! What an honor to have inspired you that way. Go get em girl!!

  2. Wow, you are lucky, my man would never consider going nor likely watch it on DVD. I wonder if he thinks I'm hoping he will change into Christian Grey, but if you went by the portrayal of a dominant in the movie, I'd really hope not. However, the red room of pain... that I might try to sell to him.
    Hope you have some more empty house times without the unwanted visitor.

    1. I think the only reason Heron agreed to go is I really had no one else to go with, as sad as that makes me sound..LOL. And yes, I forgot to mention the red room of pain. He leaned over to me during the movie and reminded me that if it wasn't for my mother living in the basement, we could have one of those. Sad...just sad.

    2. Oh LG I wish we lived closer to each other, I would have gone with you. So glad you did get to see it. Bummer about the basement and no red room of pain, keep stuffing that closet with goodies. Seems to be working for now. :-)

    3. I wish we lived closer too, K! I think that would be absolutely so much fun:)

  3. Murphy's Law. At least things till worked out for your weekend and it sounds like it turned out to be very hot and enjoying. It was interesting to hear about the movie. Haven't seen it yet, have mixed emotions though some of my friends and I have been bouncing around the idea of going. Enjoy the rest of your alone time and weekend. Hugs.

    1. You know what I want to tell Murphy's Law, don't you? LOL. The house was full again by lunchtime yesterday, but we've still been having a good time. Hugs back:)

    2. I haven't seen the movie either and can't wait to go with Mistress to see it. She read all 3 books and like most people, was titillated, but didn't take it too seriously. I'm sure that when we are in the theater watching the movie, Mistress will lean over once or more and say something like ... that's going to happen to you.

  4. Haahaa Sub Hub, I remember the media chatter telling people to leave their toys at home so I suggest you don't bring anything and the two of you can be inspired for your next session at home. I know that once able hubby and I will watch it together at home but I haven't suggested the two of us go to the theater to see it.

    1. Ha back at ya K. I suggested to Mistress that we should see the movie because it would be fun to poke holes in it and to people watch. She said the people watching part is precisely why she doesn't want to see it until we can watch it at home. i get that. Looks like we'll be waiting for DVD or Netflix.

      Toys? People would bring toys to the movie theatre? Seriously? What is this, Rocky Horror Picture Show? Is it going to turn into the kind of cult movie that will eventually have people dressing like the characters? Funny stuff!

    2. Ohhhhh Sub Hub I always wanted to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the theater. Sigh. I'm hoping to see 50 SOG in the privacy of my home with some peeps thanks to some fancy infringemet (if you get my drift.)

  5. lol was waaaay to jealous to post a comment earlier! sounds like a very exciting weekend to say the least! at this point i have no desire to see the movie...will prob catch on happy you got to enjoy together and have some much needed time with each other

    1. I understand...sometimes I feel the same way when we are having a dry spell and I read what others have going on. But I try to remind myself that we all have our spells of bad luck. it's definitely more of a DVD flick. Definitely wasn't worth the $20 we spent in snacks on top of the admission. LOL

  6. Oh my, what a lucky man to wake up to what gave him a good night sleep.
    Imagine a happy dance icon here :)..


    1. Haha...thank you 1ManView. I think he was doing a happy dance too:) I only wish it could happen more often like that but most mornings we are waking up to find that a kid has snuck in our bed at some point during the night!
