
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Randomness and Rain Dances

It's such a beautiful Saturday afternoon here where we are.  We just got home from a soccer excited that our team won!  And now, I am sitting on the deck enjoying some lunch.  The youngest has already headed off for the day with some friends and the oldest is getting ready for her first ever job interview! 

Not much has been going on this past week.  I did manage to lose some focus last week and missed a couple of my usual household duties.  So, this weekend, I got smart and knocked them all out as soon as I got home from work yesterday.  Nothing like going to bed on a Friday night with chore list pretty much complete.  I do still, however, have a punishment awaiting for my oversights.  But Heron spent the week fighting the crud again so I'm sure He will make up for that when He gets better.

Can I just say that the crud didn't stop Him from enjoying a blow job last night though!!  Let's face it...there isn't much that would ever make Him miss out on that.  But I think it might have made Him sicker because instead of just being congested, He woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. I don't know why He doesn't rest until He feels better. That's what He would make me do. But I'm not the boss so if He thinks a blowjob is the miracle cure, who am I to stop Him?! 

However, I am now holding my breath hoping I don't get sick.  Not from swallowing his cum, if that's where you thought I was going with that:) 

What I am worried about is Him spitting in my mouth while fucking me several nights ago.  Spitting in my mouth...well that's one of those things that I hate to love but my body sure does give me away every time.  Of course, this all happened the very night before He started feeling under the weather.  Yeah...that shit is going to make me sick for sure.  I just know it!

Have I mentioned that one of Heron's new expectations is that He never find a kitchen towel left on the counter?  Nope, don't think I have.  Picky, right?

Well, I actually can't blame Him really.  I have this horrible habit when I'm cooking to take out a towel, wipe my hands, and lay it down.  Then I need to wipe my hands again or the counter, and I pull another towel out of the drawer. Usually, by the time I finish making dinner, I will have 3 or 4 dirty cloths laying around.

So, He is breaking me from that habit, but darn!  It's been a tough one.  I actually have been punished for it a couple times already.  I'm being very conscious about it so it's getting better but I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when my mom walked into the kitchen, took the cloth from where it was draped over the handle of the stove, wiped her hands, and then walked over to the sink, folded it and laid it down right there on the counter.   

I almost had a stroke. to figure out a way to train everyone else in the house so that I'm not getting in trouble when it's not even my fault.  I do that enough on my own. But it's not like I can say...Hey, when you leave that on the counter, I get my ass caned.  I'll have to think of a more subtle way.  I'm certainly open to suggestions if you have any. 

Well, I should stop rambling on about random stuff and take advantage of this sunny afternoon.  Getting the cars washed was the only thing left on my list to do.  Of course, I will cry later on because we all know how getting the cars washed is apparently some kind of rain dance!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!!


  1. You blog always makes me smile, lg. Thanks.


    1. Hi appy! Glad I could bring a smile to your face. It's always lovely to hear from you. Hope you have a great week!


  2. Great post. Glad you had a lovely Saturday. We did too, once the snow stopped.

    1. Thank you K! I did have a nice Saturday except for Heron being sick. But yours...well...I read your post and it sounds absolutely fantastic!!

  3. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog! Great post about a lovely day. It's real and it's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Awww....sub hub! That's really nice of you. I'm glad that you enjoy my blog because believe me...the feeling is mutual:)

      Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. crochet a handle onto your towel and hang it from the stove handle or counter handle.
