
Monday, March 30, 2015

Reading Between the Lines

The kids are out on Spring Break this week, so we made the long drive down to Florida last night.  This isn't going to be a long trip but hey...we are at the beach and I do have the whole week off work. YAY!!

Not being able to sleep late sure has it's advantages.  This morning, I snuck out of the room and sat  in the hotel breakfast area typing while everyone else kept snoozing away.  Me, my coffee, and my laptop is a nice way to start the day.  

So yesterday, we got a late start on our drive because I wanted to attend the local kinky book club meeting.  With our hectic schedules, it's not often that I get the opportunity to get out.  But being that I am much more of a social person, Heron is very generous and actually encourages me to engage in community events as often as possible.

The book for this month was a good one, a short and easy read I might say. And given some of the discussions we have had about my being used by others, I was quickly sucked into the plot when the main female character was loaned out by her owner to a friend for a week.

I purchased the digital copy and then was able to read the 2 sequels for free.

The Gift (or also called The Seven Day Loan) by Tiffany Reisz

Part 2 (free sequel)

Part 3 (free sequel)

I enjoyed this series. But what I really enjoy is getting together to discuss the books afterwards with like-minded people.  A handful of us met at a cute trendy restaurant in town and while we all come from different walks of the lifestyle, it's a great opportunity to share our own lifestyles without judgment.

At the meeting, I had the honor meeting an extremely intelligent and very nice woman who was  intrigued by the details of mine and Heron's dynamic.  Trying to wrap her head around the M/s aspect of our relationship, she had so many great questions and I enjoyed explained how our life works. 

The only problem is sometimes my brain doesn't work as fast on the spot as I would like it to.  I do much better once I've had a chance to reflect on questions and then I feel like I can do more justice to the explanation and maybe get more to the root of what someone was asking in the first place.

So one of her questions had to do with "who really had the control?"  And I can see where her question comes from. On one hand, I say that I gave up all control. But to someone on the outside, it may appear that I still have many elements of control in our marriage.

First and foremost I should have explained that I control the things He wishes for me to control and I acknowledge that He could take that away at any time.  Also,  I wouldn't assume control over something without His explicit direction.  It's impossible for Him to deal with everything in our life and He knows where my strengths are so He uses that to His advantage. This is a big difference from how we used to live.  I either took control of everything, or felt like I had to, causing a huge amount of frustration and undue stress on both of us.  Now, I clearly understand the parts of our life that He wants me to handle versus what parts He would prefer to handle.   

There are rules and expectations for my behavior which come into play here also.  I understand what He expects of me at all times and when I am tasked to do something, even if I am having to make decisions, He can trust that I am making the choice He would approve of.  If I am unsure of what He would want, I simply ask.  Instead of thinking how I want things done, now when a situation arises, there are a couple of things that come to my mind first.  What would He expect me to do? Or What would please Him?  In my opinion, this was the key to moving in sync through life and eliminating so much of the friction we had battled for years. 

Of course, we always have mutual discussions about major decisions.  He appreciates my opinion because many times I can offer a perspective He hasn't thought of, but at the end of the day, if He doesn't agree with me, He will make the final decision.  

So I guess the way I see it, I may have some control in how things get done, but I don't have the control.   


  1. I enjoy T. R. books, wish we had a book club here like that but my town is in the heart of the bible belt and even romance book clubs don't survive here lol.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Angel. I too live in the Bible Belt but I guess have the benefit of living close to a large metropolitan city.

  2. I've just read Tori's post and you two are on similar train of thoughts this morning!
    I read Tiffany's book some time ago, when it was 7 Day Loan, but I didn't know about the free sequels, so thank you for the links.

    1. Haha...had to go check out her post! Oh, yes...I hope you get a chance to read the sequels!! I actually liked the second book maybe even more than the first, just because it answered a lot of questions. The was ok. You'll have to send me a message and let me know what you think!

  3. That sounds like the sort of book club i would enjoy lol

    I shall go and check those out, and add them to my ever growing pile!

    1. Hi Tori. It has been a lot of fun! I actually stumbled across the group while on Fetlife. Hope you enjoy the books! You'll have to share some of the title in your pile:)

  4. lg,
    I was going to email this to you but as it may be helpful to someone else I am commenting instead. Maybe I will make it a post too???

    I had a bit of an "Ahh Ha" moment here reading this post. Just to come back to our talks a bit ago with how to balance work/life/submission, I think something you just said here really FINALLY gives me a new way to see things.

    Something I really do not discuss much on my blog is that my career is essential to our financial stability. Plain and simple. Although, when your main goal is to serve your husband, submit and hand over the reigns, it becomes NOT so plain and simple. I have been struggling between how I can put the effort and focus I need to into my career (that supports our family) and have the time/energy/commitment that we expect at home.

    This entire section of your post (copied below) sparked me to really see things differently. I put my thoughts in cap-lock between =)

    "So one of her questions had to do with "who really had the control?" And I can see where her question comes from. On one hand, I say that I gave up all control. But to someone on the outside, it may appear that I still have many elements of control in our marriage." (THIS WAS THE EXACT THOUGHT I HAVE HAD!)

    "First and foremost I should have explained that I control the things He wishes for me to control and I acknowledge that He could take that away at any time. Also, I wouldn't assume control over something without His explicit direction. It's impossible for Him to deal with everything in our life and He knows where my strengths are so He uses that to His advantage." (IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, HE CAN'T DO IT ALL AND DOESN'T WANT TO DO IT ALL- THIS IS MY AHH-HA MOMENT....HE KNOWS MY STRENGTHS AND USES THAT! MY CAREER IS AN EXTENSION OF MY SERVICE. IT DOESN'T TAKE AWAY FROM MY SERVICE.)

    "This is a big difference from how we used to live. I either took control of everything, or felt like I had to, causing a huge amount of frustration and undue stress on both of us. Now, I clearly understand the parts of our life that He wants me to handle versus what parts He would prefer to handle." (MY MAN AND I ARE VERY DIFFERENT THAN YOU AND HERON, EACH LIFESTYLE RELATIONSHIP IS, BUT THIS IS THE HEART OF THE UNDERSTANDING FOR ME. HIS GOAL IS FOR HIM TO LEAD AND ME TO FOLLOW, ALTHOUGH I MAY WANT RULES AND MORE STRUCTURE- I KNOW THE BASE OF WHAT HE EXPECTS AND MY WORK LIFE IS TRULY IN ALIGNMENT WITH WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME. I NEED TO GET OUT OF SHOUTY CAPITALS.....It really was a moment of clarity. I very much have been feeling the strain of my career focus and not completing my traditional (funny to say traditional here) sub duties/expectations. I never thought of my career as one of my sub duties/expectations. Never once. I guess because a career is so damn vanilla!

    Although I am clearly an over-thinker, this is how my mind works, for better or for worse =) Sorry for the crazy LONG comment!!

    XOXO Pearl

    1. Pearl, you have no idea how happy I am that this post helped bring about an "Ah-ha: moment for you...I love your crazy long comment and your shouty capitals:) LOL

      I really do understand your struggle between the work and home life. It's something I had to come to terms with as well. I wouldn't say that I financially support the family but my job does provide an equal amount of support as Heron's.

      I would love to hear more of your thoughts if you decide to post!

      Hope you have a great Easter weekend.

      Hugs xx
