
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Crawling Back to You

The quick little beach get away was wonderful.  It's so relaxing putting your feet in the sand and looking out over a beautiful sea of emerald green waves, but my favorite is just walking on the beach. I'm not a get-in-the-water kind of person though, especially this time of year...just too darn cold.  But I do love to be there.  It's just soothing to the soul. 

But yesterday, it was time to come home and Heron and I were definitely ready.  We had plenty of good times and great food and of course the kids wanted to stay longer.  But after several days of being with them 24/7, we were ready to resume some normalcy.

With everyone worn out, the ride home was extremely quiet.  The kids plugged into their music and we just enjoyed the peace.  Heron did make a point of reminding me that now He is feeling better, I do have a punishment awaiting for the missed chores several weeks back and a few other miscellaneous things.  So, I mulled over that for a while.  I don't quite know when or what to expect it but I assume it will be before the weekend is over.  The waiting in and of itself is quite painful in my opinion.  

We got home pretty close to bed time so we unloaded the car, spent some time playing with the dogs who are always super excited that we have returned.  Finally, we were alone and He was already lying down waiting when I climbed in on my side of the bed. 

There was no doubt He expected to use my mouth so without a moment's hesitation, I crawled across the bed to His side and eagerly took my place between His legs, worshipping and sucking until He found His release.   

I love traveling but there is nothing like returning to your own home, your own bed, and all that is familiar.  


  1. Lovely post lg. I understand completely how you feel about having to contemplate a pending punishment. I am also in the very same situation and she has promised that it was going to be severe. In fact, she told me that she wanted me to "mentally prepare for the punishment that is coming"! I don't know exactly what that means but it doesn't sound like it will be easy.

  2. Your comment about "The waiting in and of itself is quite painful in my opinion." inspired me to mention you in a new post I just put up. I put a link to this post of your. I hope you don't mind.

    1. Thank you sub hub. Of course I don't mind. I'm very humbled and flattered that my post inspired you and that you mentioned me in your post. Although, I am sorry for your circumstances and that you are in the same position I find myself.

      As far as "mentally preparing", the one thing that comes to mind is finding acceptance in what is to come. That used to be the hardest part of punishment for me.

      I will be thinking of you...

  3. Clicking your heals 3 times - there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

    Glad you got a chance to get away. You and Sub Hub stay strong while waiting. Hugs.

    1. You're absolutely right....there is no place like home!! When I was younger, traveling never got old. Bit now it's just different.

      Punishment finally came last night so I'm thankful for the clean slate.

