
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

And She Thought She Had the Weekend Free...

At the very end of my last post, I mentioned that I had some special plans for this past weekend.  I had been invited by a friend within the lifestyle to go clothing optional resort for the weekend, which was exciting as it was something I had never done before.  

Through a crazy turn of events, I was literally hitting PUBLISH on that post Thursday night when I got a text on my phone.  My friend was asking if Heron had given me any particular rules or tasks for the weekend.  She then told me that I was free to give Heron her number if He cared to "conspire" on anything. Now, I knew she was pretty well experienced and quite tough as a Mistress so this was both exciting and scary for me.    

In the span of a few short minutes, the two of them were talking.  Even though I had never "played" or participated in any type of scene with her, we both trust her implicitly.  They discussed ideas she had, ideas He had, limits, etc.  And just like that, my weekend went from that of rest and relaxation to something far different.  Heron agreed to my being her slave for the weekend.

Yes...I was being loaned!

Since I returned home Sunday, I have had a lot to process. The experience was unlike anything I had ever been through.  Some of it was really good, but some of it pushed me FAR past my comfort zone into places I never thought possible.  

Slowly but surely I intend to write about some of it, probably not all. As always, there will be pieces I keep for myself and Heron.  To be completely honest, I debated writing about this at all.  But in all fairness, it is a huge leap in my journey and now part of my growth as a slave.

I realize some of it may be uncomfortable to read about, some of you may even have very strong feelings about it. 

Please keep in mind, this is the dynamic we have and it is consensual.  I trust Heron enough to do with me as He wishes, even if that means He entrusts me to someone else. I knew there was a point in time this may come.  I think the scary realization for me is that I am beginning to believe that there is nothing I won't do to please Him.    

He carries the responsibilities for the choices made and as I re-tell the story, He will be glad to address any questions or comments Himself. He has had a great deal to process as well and I think we are doing a great job of that together.   


  1. "...your service will be arduous, it will be painful and rigorous, and the slightest delinquencies will be requited immediately with corporal and afflicting punishments; hence, I must recommend to you prompt exactness, submissiveness, and total self-abnegation that you be enabled to heed naught but our desires; let them be your laws, fly to do their bidding, anticipate them, cause them to be born.." Marquis de Sade

    Sounds like a few new experiences were born into your world this weekend. I look forward to reading about them and pondering what is not shared here on your blog.

    As always, envious...

    1. I have to agree with subhub...WOW! I always love your quotes KDoll. I haven't read Marquis de Sade but perhaps I need to. I do think there were more than a few new experiences this weekend and I promise I will share as much of it as I can. So much happened, it's just hard to incorporate it all and also keep the timeline of events straight. But I will do my best:)

      Hugs to you xo

  2. You are strong and courageous and I'm happy to call you my friend. Hugs. K

    1. Thank you my love and thank you for always being here for me!


  3. Looking forward to reading about whatever you feel you can share! If you are not aware of slavekate's blog [], you should seriously consider reading. She is an absolute class act.

    1. Hello Mr. Grey. I am glad to hear that you are looking forward to it. And yes, I do read slavekate's blog and I couldn't agree more. She is an amazing woman and quite an inspiration.
