
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Into the Lion(ess)'s Den

Continued from And She Thought She Had the Weekend Free: This slave's account of being loaned for the weekend...

As requested, she sent one last message letting her Master know she had arrived safely.  Saying goodbye to Him in the parking lot of her office earlier that afternoon nearly tore her heart out.  She confided to Him that she felt like a kid being sent away to camp, not how she thought the weekend was going to go by a long shot.   

The two hour ride felt like forever, yet somehow seemed not quite long enough.  No one else had ever dominated her and the fear of that great unknown played out in her head over and over.  

Her instructions to start were simple. 

Wear something easily removed

Heels but no bra or panties

Kneel with eyes downcast and wait for Mistress's foot to be presented.  Kiss it and await further instruction.

She sat inside her car, just outside the condo trying to still her mind. She had already changed into a black strapless sundress before leaving work, but used those last moments in the car to slip into her heels and out of her panties.

As she walked towards the door, the sound of her heels pounded across the wood decking almost as loudly as the sound of her heartbeat thumping in her ears. And once she stood in front of the door and knocked, she wasn't sure if she should be kneeling when the door was opened or wait to be brought inside. 

She erred on the side of caution but when the door swung open she realized quickly she had been mistaken and was already embarrassed.  She quickly stood up and the gentleman that had opened the door told her she could resume her position in the living room area.  The Mistress's voice could be heard coming from the outside patio when she was informed of the slave's presence but the slave continued to kneel and wait.

Seconds clicked by, an eternity, before she heard the stern instruction, "Slut, you come out here to me".  Not knowing whether to stand or crawl, she chose to crawl and was happy that this seemed pleasing.  She also couldn't help but notice how beautiful the Mistress looked with nothing but a sarong covering her from the waist down.

Before coming any closer, she was ordered to stand and remove her dress. As she stood completely bared, except for the heels on her feet, she turned, presenting her entire body to the Mistress and her guest.  She knew she should feel embarrassed, but their obvious pleasure as she bent over to display all of her assets, actually put her at ease.     

The slave then resumed crawling and once she reached the Mistress's chair, she kissed the foot presented.  This act alone is a simple reminder of how far she has come.  There was a time when the thought of touching someone's feet would have probably been some type of limit for her, much less kissing them.

Now that the proper greeting had taken place, the two women stood and hugged as friends typically do and the slave was sent to bring in her bags and get settled in...


  1. I didn't cringe too much. :) you definitely remind me why I like the ritual of me kissing His feet before we start anything. It leaves me nervous, excited and helps get me in the mindset.

    1. Oh this is just the first 10 minutes of the weekend. There will be plenty more...Trust me!

      And I do like this ritual. It's not been one that Heron and I have shared mainly because of kids being around when he gets home. But we have found a way to incorporate it starting this past week and we both love it.

  2. Loving this, what a wonderful start to the weekend. Looking forward to reading more :)

    1. Thank you so much Julie! I can't wait to be able to write more:)

  3. Hi lg

    Still lurking, but thought I'd pop up again. I do so admire your submission to Heron and the boundaries that you are willing to explore in deepening your relationship. I wait in awe of what ever part of your experiences you are willing to share for the weekend. The introduction is certainly a 'teaser'. Take care DtBHC

    1. I am so glad to see you still lurking:) And hopefully, all is well with you and yours. Yes, this was a jump into the deep end for sure. Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the rest as much as you have the "teaser"!

  4. Wow! Thank you for sharing this. It was a beautiful start and i am looking forward to any more that you wish to tell.

    1. Linda, that means very much to me. Thank you!!

  5. What a great start to a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing with all of us. *sitting on the edge of me seat ! Hugs!

    1. As always subhub...thank you so much for your love and support. You have no idea how much I appreciate the discussions we have had this week!!

  6. And so the story unfolds. Can't wait to hear more my friend. You truly are amazing. Hugs.


  7. I hope to get a little more written soon! Thank you always for your unwavering support. Huga and love!

  8. I am so sad to arrive so late to your "party". Your writing of your adventures is amazing. Much thanks. I wish you well...
