
Monday, August 17, 2015

Inititation of the Cum Slut

Continued from Into the Lion(ess)'s Den: This slave's account of being loaned for the weekend... 

Walking naked back down the steps to the car to retrieve her belongings, she realized just how quickly the tone was set. But it wasn't until dinner that she fully appreciated how intense this experience was going to be.
Dinner was planned with some friends of the Mistress staying at the condo just below and everyone was saying their hello's when someone asked the slave's name.  The Mistress quickly answered, "This is cum slut".  The woman seemed a bit amused at first but then, seriously, asked for her real name. The Mistress didn't give an inch.  And even when the slave was questioned directly, she followed the Mistress's lead and answered the same way.
Making her way to the patio, the Mistress took a seat, with the slave following right along behind.  Gingerly, she knelt down on the rough concrete beside the chair, trying carefully not to scrape herself while shifting around to get comfortable.  Thankfully, it wasn't long before she was instructed to find a couple wash cloths to protect her knees.

The Mistress herself wasn't eating but did ask the slave if she would like something.  Her stomach had been in knots all day but was also entirely empty.  Suspecting she might need her strength, she swallowed the lump in her throat and squeaked out the words "Yes, Ma'am".

She was to make a plate and bring it to the Mistress, but she had to crawl both to the kitchen and back.  Again, she tried to be careful as to not scrape her knees on the concrete and she was pretty sure people were watching and talking as she crawled away, but she tried to remain focused on her task and being gracious to those that had prepared the meal.

Crawling back, one hand on the floor and the other holding the plate, she handed the plate to Mistress.  "Did you make it how you would like it?". She again answered "Yes, Ma'am.

The Mistress set the plate down on the ground, instructing her to place her hands on either side of the plate and eat.  She had been made to eat and drink on the ground like a dog before, but never in front of anyone had she been humiliated in such a way.  Mostly people carried on conversation as if she wasn't there.  Sometimes people did talk to her but anytime a compliment was offered, like how well she was using her tongue to help bring the food into her mouth, she made sure to show her appreciation by kissing that person's foot.

After her initial arrival that evening, it had not taken long for her to receive her first punishment for unintentionally breaking this rule.  She had been put over the Mistress's knee and given five very hard swats with the sole of Mistress's sandal. Almost instantly, tears had welled in her eyes but she fought them back.  Not only was it extremely painful, but it was the first time she had ever been punished in front of people.  She felt not only did her failure let the Mistress down, but also her Master.
Slowly but surely she was able to clean her plate.  Eating a burrito without any hands is a bit tricky but she was extremely was glad to be able to do it with a bit of grace and skill.

After taking her plate back to the kitchen, the Mistress had more plans for her and she quickly became a bit of entertainment.

Crawling to the center of the room, she was instructed to kneel and then lay back, touching her head to the floor and keeping her legs bent up underneath her.  She was completely exposed as this position forced her body into a natural arch.  Several people stood around watching as Mistress told her to touch herself.  At that moment, she wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.  All kinds of thoughts tried to flow through her mind because, again, this was something she had never done before.  But rather than allow her mind to run away with her, she simply closed her eyes, shutting out everything, and went on auto-pilot.

As she rubbed circles around her clit, she heard the Mistress encouraging her to push her fingers to play with her hole and even probe further inside.  The position was incredibly stressful and didn't allow her the same reach as it would if her legs were out from under her.  She could then hear the Mistress talking to one of the men, who she didn't find out until later was also a submissive.  He was being offered the opportunity to touch the cum slut.  The slave didn't hear him answer but knew all too well what was coming.

His fingers probed her opening and the Mistress demanded to know if it was wet.  He answered that it was.   The Mistress then asked if wanted his cock sucked.  The cum slut was made to suck his fingers clean before sitting up and being presented with his cock.  She took it in her mouth, squeezed her eyes closed even harder, and knew that all eyes in the room were on them.

Mistress taunted him asking if he wanted to cum and when he said yes, she told the slave to lay back again.  He stroked himself as he watched her resume playing with her pussy, finally spilling his pleasure on her body.

Allowed to get up and go clean herself off in the bathroom, she happened to catch a glimpse at a clock. It was only 8:00.  She had only just arrived two short hours earlier and was in shock by all that had already happened.  She was afraid to imagine what else the rest of the night would hold...


  1. So fucking awesome ..... A submissive male was in the room huh? .... If I was allowed to jerk off, I'd be a puddle! Oh my God!

    1. Yes there sure was! I can only imagine the thoughts swirling around in your head right now:)


  2. I read this and wasn't sure how I felt. Again, you had me transcended into your writing. My goodness you can create a picture with words.

    I am in envy of you. You pushed yourself beyond anything you expected. You trusted in yourself and those responsible for you. First and foremost, Heron. Second, the Mistress.

    You have a self confidence about yourself that is true inspiration.

    I'm so intrigued by what occurred, your thoughts, both during and after, and if you would ever do it again.

    I can't wait to read more.

    1. HS, your comment pretty much leaves me speechless. I am so humbled by your compliments. It did take a huge amount of trust. I tried not to think too much during. Obviously, afterwards has been a different story.

      I was very worried about how people might react when reading some of this...I can only hope that they have an open mind like yourself and understand that while I may not like certain things that I am asked to do, I thrive on pleasing others.

  3. Hi lg, such an intensity in your writing, you can feel your trepidation in your words. Looking forward to reading more of this journey of discovery. DtBHC.

    1. Trepidation is a great word! But I guess appropriate when one feels like they have jumped straight into the deep end of the pool!

  4. Love the tension in your writing. Clearly an intense experience. Did you come from playing with yourself in front of the group?

    1. Thank you Mr. Grey! It was very intense indeed. To answer your I did not come in front of the group. But keep reading...I think you will might be pleasantly surprised later in the story:)

  5. Such a journey and experience. You are more strong and courageous than you could have ever imagined. Hugs oxox K

    1. If someone would have asked me just a few months ago, I would have never imagined that I would have experienced so much in such a short time. My head is spinning for sure! Thank you as always for being my rock. Love and hugs xo

  6. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading this, it is so beautifully written and so absorbing. I think it is the most sexy thing I have ever read. Nell :) xxxx

    1. Nell,

      It is so very nice to hear from you! Thank you for enjoying this writing and taking the time to comment. I admit, I am completely blown away and so honored by your compliment. I can only hope you continue to find such enjoyment from my writing:)

