
Friday, September 18, 2015

Knowing One's Place

Seems I have competition these days for Master's attention. 

As I stand in the kitchen making dinner, I hear that all too familiar sound of the garage door letting me know Master just got home from work.

Stopping what I am doing, I take my place, kneeling down on the floor by the door so that I am the first thing he sees when he comes in. 

I wait patiently to greet each of his shoes with my kiss, which is always followed by him taking my hands and pulling me up to him for a kiss. I love this new little ritual.  

But here SHE comes again, ready to greet her Master too. 

Her eyes stare longingly at the crack of light coming from under the door.  Her ears perk because she can hear the sound of His footsteps coming from farther away than I can.

She begins pacing as she continues to wait but then stops firmly in front of me and sits down, still intent on the door.

Greedy bitch she is...tries to be the first.  Oh, we have played this game before. 

This time, without moving an inch, I softly growl two words, "Get back". 

I smile to myself when she gets up and moves away from the door, actually going off to eat her dinner and wait her rightful turn.     

I may be the boss at work, but we all know I am not the boss at home. 

However, I will be the alpha bitch!

That is...just as soon as I can keep the other dog from trying to hump me every time I sit on the floor. 



  1. Stand your ground!!! You give her an inch and she'll take a foot. ;)

    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Hi lg, seems to be a common occurence. Unfortunately I think I've lost that battle. Apparently I can't compete with a cute fluffy white thing, lol.

    1. I know the feeling.... Mine are to cute! Those darn little faces and puppy dog eyes get me every time!

  3. Don't have this problem with cats. They might consider welcoming a human home, if they can be bothered to move off their warm patch. I think mouse once wrote a very similar problem when greeting her master and the dogs ate the rose petals she'd put down.

    1. How funny... Yes I do remember that post!

      I have also had cats. They very much can't be bothered. That is until they decide to demand your attention!

  4. I love it. Just too sweet and funny.

  5. That is certainly what I I member to do! Lol Even though I am probably a little needy and greedy myself at times:)

  6. Haha! Funny! Take ownership of your ground - love it!

  7. Most definitely....gotta show her who's boss! Glad you liked it:)
