
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Life Since Loan

It's been exactly one month since the weekend of my loan.  And while Heron and I have described in great detail what happened during that weekend and directly upon my return, I haven't really discussed how we continued to cope in the days and weeks afterwards. 

I'm not typically one to need, or even desire much aftercare when it comes to most things Heron and I do.  But in this particular situation, it's probably not difficult to imagine that proper aftercare was crucial to my ability to process and accept everything that happened and to do it in the most positive way possible.  Working through all the emotions wasn't going to take just a couple of hours, or even a couple of days.  Aftercare was going to be an on-going process until it wasn't necessary anymore.

The one thing that was quite obvious after I returned on Sunday was that we needed more time together to rest and recuperate.  Heron insisted that I call in to work and take that following day off, and He did as well so He could stay home to look after me.

His process of "reclaiming" me had been yet another intense experience but from that point forward, His focus became helping to build me back up, both physically and mentally. 

The entire next week, I was required to do very little. All household chores and tasks were suspended. Any physical exertion, outside of just normal day to day activities, was reserved solely for intimacy with him. He pampered me in just about every way possible which I thoroughly enjoyed even though I tried not to get too used to it. 

We also spent more time that I can even comprehend just talking that week.  Heron wanted, or rather NEEDED, to know every last detail of my experience.  It's how He processes and being quite honest, it wasn't just me who had a lot to work through.

But there was so much, so many little details that I didn't remember until even days later.  While He knew the major highlights of my time away, the depths of the story unfolded bit by bit as my brain and body relaxed enough to regurgitate it all.  It was odd how I could be doing the most random thing and then out of the blue, some thought or memory would flash in front of me.  He was always right there ready to listen and talk about it.    

At times, the conversations between us were quite emotional.  And I am thankful he exposed that vulnerable side of Himself.  It proved to me that He didn't take His choice, or my experience, lightly and that He really was bearing the full weight of His decision. The honesty in our discussions kept me from retreating to that quiet place inside myself.  It's in that quiet place where my thoughts get confused and lost, and my mind settles into the darkness.  He was determined to keep me from going there.   

But eventually, even I grew pretty tired of thinking and talking about it.  Routine and resuming life as we knew it was what I craved.  Kneeling in front of Heron exactly one week after coming home, I expressed how I needed our structure again and He agreed it was time. 

Heron was very fond of the greeting and serving protocol that I had learned so those were implemented into our normal routine starting that second week. And with the soreness pretty much finally gone from my body, we also resumed position training.  This was something Heron was unhappy with Himself for neglecting. Not only was it a good refresher but a good way to ease my body back into light physical demands.  He kept exercise still limited though.    

We have still continued to talk about it but on a much less emotional level.  Usually it's because He has some kind of question about something I have already told him and is just looking for clarification.   Sometimes we talk about where we go from here.  I know this won't be the end of my challenges, which is a little scary.  

I think we both recognize how it has changed us and how we have grown both as individuals and as a couple.  But overall, I am amazed at the profound positive impact it's made in our relationship and our dynamic.  It's almost as if we have spent this past month in our own special bubble, nurturing the closeness that this experience brought us.


  1. what a beautiful way to continue your experience. i have been following along, lol in anticipation along with everyone else for each new post! i am in awe of all that you and Heron have discovered with each other and within yourselves. happy is no way near the word i am trying to find to describe how i feel for you and this journey. i have such deep respect for you to have taken this road and even deeper gratitude for you and Heron sharing this experience with all of us. thank you! and all the hugs you need to keep you going!

    1. Thank you slave guenivere. It means quite a lot to me to know you were following along and I am thankful for your comment. Yes, it was quite a learning experience and I am so glad to be able to share it with everyone here:)

  2. I know that I have been very absent but I want you and Heron to know how very lovely it is to hear how the true and meaningful aspect to this entire event is what it meant to you both as a couple. A couple who very much loves and respects each other. Thank you for sharing all of this. Love to you my friend.

    1. Pearl, I know things have been tough for you lately but I am so happy to see you here. It's been really difficult to understand how such an experience could bring Heron and I so close but I am grateful it turned out that way.

      And just know that I am thankful for your support and being a part of our journey:)

      xo love back to you

  3. Hi lg, most of us will never get to experience this level of intensity and trust and through your sharing we at least get to experience a little of what it would be like. Thank you once again for sharing. DtBHC.

    1. Well, DtBHC...I would be lying if I didn't admit that there were times I didn't really understand or questioned why this experience was necessary. But yes, trust is the key.

      I am so happy to have been able to share it. Thank you so much for being here, sharing in our journey!

  4. Thank you for sharing this part of the journey. It would have been only too easy to neglect the 'what next' element, but this shows just how important communication is. xxx

    1. Hi Julie. You are absolutely right. Communication is so very important. It didn't feel right just leaving it as "the story". I wanted people to know that there are very real and raw emotions involved in the choices made and challenges before us. It's so important to recognize each other's needs!

      Thank you for being a part of this along with us!


  5. So beautiful. The two of you are lucky to have each other and can process and move forward in a way that compliments your life together. Hugs. K

    1. Thank you K. And thank you for being such a wonderful friend and support system. Knowing you are always there means more than you know.


  6. Sweetheart ... the two of you have such an incredible thing. Congratulations. Love reading your stuff !! Love it!

    1. Thank you SHIP. I can't tell you how much I have appreciated your support. Your messages of understanding and encouragement helped more than you will ever know.


  7. I'm so glad that you shared these parts with us--this and the others. Daddy enjoyed them :). You two do have something really special going on, but you obviously know that.

    And kinda unrelated... lately, it's been hard for me to write and comment (just stuck in my head, I guess), not just your blog but everywhere. Anyway, it's made me appreciate what everyone does here, more than what I used to--'cause, fuck, this shit ain't easy! You are definitely one of the ones I appreciate and felt like this was a good opportunity to say so.

    1. Awww...Misty...thank you. That is so sweet and know that I feel the same towards you. We have both been able to share some very intensely personal stories here. You are right. It's not easy. None of it. But it's the not easy stuff that helps us to grow.

      I am so glad that you and your Daddy were able to follow along!!

      Hugs to you

  8. It is always nice when things make us grow individually and as a couple have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much Evie. I absolutely agree. Growing is essential not just for our dynamic but for our own beings. I am having a lovely weekend and wish the same for you. xx

  9. It's great you two can communicate and grow from this experience. I wouldnt know if I could live through the experience again by telling my Master. I have a way of shutting down emotions and just moving along. It's great to see that you didn't do that.

  10. It's great you two can communicate and grow from this experience. I wouldnt know if I could live through the experience again by telling my Master. I have a way of shutting down emotions and just moving along. It's great to see that you didn't do that.

    1. Jane, that is exactly what I used to do and how I would handle things. Shutting down... Moving on seemed easier. Unfortunately, it's to easy for things to simmer under the surface and come back to bite you later, when you least expect it. I am very thankful that Heron and I have found a way to communicate so that doesn't happen.
