
Friday, September 4, 2015

Making Master Uncomfortable

August was quite an interesting month for us. If you have been reading the past several posts, you already know about one of our recent adventures.

But I did say, way back in an earlier post, that we had TWO new experiences planned so that means I still have one to talk about.

This past Sunday, Master and I had a photo shoot.  Not just any photo shoot...a fetish photo shoot!!

And I think for once, instead of my boundaries being pushed, it was Master who was WAY out of His comfort zone.

Originally, I thought He might just be in a few of the pictures but He actually participated in almost all of them. 

I can't even begin to explain what an amazing experience this was, especially for us to do it together.'s making me crazy to wait to see the final results!!  Perhaps, I will even be able to share some of them when we get them back.


  1. You two sexy people can't wait to see some of these. Have a great weekend girlfriend. oxox K

    1. Thank you K. I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend! Yes...I can't wait to see the final results and share some of them.

  2. What a wonderful thing for the two of you to do together.

    I would live to see some of them if you and Heron are willing to share them.

    1. Depending on how they turn out, I do hope to share. I specifically asked for some that do not show our faces just for that purpose. And even though Heron was extremely uncomfortable, he was a trooper. He said as long as he focused solely on me, he was fine. I can hardly wait to see how they turn out!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. sorry. I deleted your comment by accident. It was very fun and I can't wait to be able to share. We still won't get the pics back for a couple of weeks though. Hope you are having a great weekend! xo

  4. Ooooo, you know how I like your pics! Hope we get to see one ;)

    1. I do hope they turn out good. I've always wanted some more pics of Heron and I. We can only accomplish so much taking them ourselves. But more than anything, it was a fun and yet another growing experience for us!
