
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Beyond the Words

Pearl  over at Happily Surrendered and Submissive made a comment on my last post about how my heart was in such a good place these days.  Her observation was very touching and is also spot on.  In fact, that very day, I had just posted the following as a writing on my Fetlife profile so I thought I would share it here as well...

Strip away the labels, the rules, the rituals.
True happiness lies in those things unspoken and less defined.
It's in his gentle touch and how it radiates through not just my body but also my soul.
It's in the way my heartbeat slows to match his when wrapped in his arms.
It's in his eyes when he looks into mine and knows all the hidden secrets.
It's in the way he drinks in my scent like it's a hit of his favorite drug.
It's in the way the beast peacefully slumbers once his appetite has been sated.
It's in that moment when he allows me to experience his vulnerability.
It's in a connection so powerful, we can predict what the other is thinking.
It's in knowing I would never want to spend a day on earth without him.


  1. Such a lovely declaration of pure love. Thank you lg.

    1. Thank you DtBHC. I am so glad to share with my friends here. xo

  2. I am not sure how to express an enormous smile via comment..... But it's there! For you. For Heron. And for all your readers/friends who need to know that this kind of love really exists. You are very deserving of all of this!!!
    XOXO Pearl.
    PS. My last post references you too =). Great minds thinking alike!

    1. Pearl, I am so so happy to put a smile on your face. It took me a long time to recognize and appreciate all the things in my life that I am thankful for. Obviously I am thankful for Heron, his love, and his leadership. But I am also thankful for you and the rest my readers for sharing in our journey and our happiness. I wish I could give you the biggest hug right now:)

      Lots of hugs and kisses!!!

  3. Beautiful!

    On another subject: how do I get that like check box on my posts?

    1. Thank you Misty.

      I think if you go to the Layout tab and click edit the configuration of blog posts, there will be an option to check mark "reactions". I hope that helps!
