
Thursday, December 24, 2015

What a Year This Has Been

As I look back over this year, I think of how much has changed.

I have changed...

Heron has changed...

We both have changed separately and together. But we have grown. 

The first half of the year seemed quiet and typical. Just the two of us doing our thing.

And then I met Chrysalis, which changed my world completely.

Along with meeting her, I experienced life in a way I thought might never happen. 

Then came my being loaned.

This brought SO many new experiences, all in just a short two day period.

And let's not forget about mine and Heron's photo shoot and visiting a swingers club.

While the middle part of the year was packed full, the latter part has been largely quiet (much like this blog) except for officially becoming part of the slave registry and my pole dancing classes.  

This year has had it's share of ups.  But you know how things go.  With "ups"...there is almost always a "down".   

There has been quite a bit for each of us to process on our own and as a couple.  At times, my mind was just too pre-occupied to write, almost like I had a million things to say but couldn't find the words. 

Thankfully, Heron also finished school so in the quiet time, we have more time to spend nurturing "us".

I think it's been fairly obvious by the few posts recently, that I have been on a path of reflection and introspection.

Sometimes, the "quiet" needs to happen. 

Who knows where the path goes now.  Only time will tell.

But Heron and I would like to close out this year by saying thank you! 

To my friends here that provided advice, kind words, and support...I truly appreciate each and every one of you. 

To my lovely lurkers, I appreciate and adore you too.

To those of you that reached out seeking our advice, we are humbled and flattered. 

I wish you all...Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!

"Striving unto perfection, I give of myself all I am, all I ever will be, all you will ever desire"
While I cannot claim credit for the quote as it was given to me by someone else, it speaks volumes!


  1. So much love to you and Heron my beautiful sister. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures. Following them has had a deep and profound effect on me, more than you will know. Your adventures have inspired me and allowed for me and us to look so much deeper into our own relationship. Mistress K. does not have the benefit of following you directly but she does know some of how your adventures have inspired me and therefore benefit us. Thank you and congratulations on everything you and your husband have accomplished, and I know you are looking forward to where your journey might take you both.

    God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

    1. SHIP, thank you so much for your support and kind words this year. I am so happy to know that my adventures have inspired you, but please know that the feeling is mutual. You have been quite the inspiration as well. I look forward to seeing where both of our journey's take us this year. Much love! xo

  2. Hi lg

    Wishing you both a very special Christmas.

    I have enjoyed reading about your journey and the expression of the love the two of you share. It comes through in the many layers of your writing and is such a beautiful thing that you share with us.

    I also like the times when Heron chooses to share his thoughts.

    Take care this holiday season and I look forward to reading more about your journey together.


    1. Thank you DtBHC! I have enjoyed getting to know you this year and hope that we will continue to see you here in blog land. I do hope that you and your family had a fabulous holiday!

  3. Beautiful as always my very special friend. Mwah.

    1. Thank you my dear friend! Mwah...right back at you.

  4. Happy new year, beautiful lady. I hope you both have a great 2016.


    1. Happy New Year to you as well. And it has been quite an honor getting to know you this year. I wish you and your family the best:)

  5. You and Heron have have quite a year! I wish you both nothing but the best this 2016! Just make sure you blog about it too =)

  6. Hi ,
    What an awesome work you’ve done here. I mean, it’s really a long one well enjoyed.
