
Monday, November 11, 2013

Push it to the Limit

A couple weeks back, it seemed that my new experience...

The Note

The Knock

The Slut

The Reclaiming

...sparked a bit of conversation about pushing limits.  The whole experience, from being on display nude and in a bondage situation, being played with in front of someone else, and orally serving another man in front of my Master, was all new territory for us both.  But pushing limits is definitely a touchy subject and can be a double edged sword.  It has the potential to bring Dom and sub closer or if not handled properly, can backfire in an instant. 

I want to back up a little and explain a little about my own personal limits.  When we started down this path, I knew that He would be training me to be His slave and at His request, I agreed to keep a completely open mind.  Yes, there were plenty of things that made me uncomfortable.  Hell, even being tied up made me uncomfortable.  But surrendering completely to Him meant that I had to trust the limits He established for us.  Setting my own limits, meant trusting my own judgement over His, therefore, I would in essence still be holding an element of control.

We do have a very short section in our contract dedicated to limits.  Things like branding, cutting, scarring, and deprivation of oxygen were hard limits even for Him.  I did insist on one thing to be added which I felt may be a physical trigger but have since learned that wasn't the case.

Admittedly, I was quite inexperienced in the realm of M/s, bdsm, and kink and I really didn't take the initiative to learn before making the commitment.  During the last year and a half, many times after a scene I have thought "WOW! Had I known He was going to try that, I would have wanted it added to my limits".  But on the other hand, my inexperience and lack of research really did keep my mind open and in the end I have found a deeper trust in my Master and enjoyed things I would have never considered before.  Not that I am recommending this philosophy, it's just the way it worked out for me.

If you are in an newer relationship, particularly a D/s or bdsm relationship, the other person isn't going to know every intricate detail of your likes/dislikes, and more importantly your potential triggers.  I would think in this situation, it's very important that you have a voice when setting limits.  Then later down the road you can renegotiate once you trust that this person has your best interest at heart.

I do firmly believe that discussion should take place before pushing any limits, but most particularly hard limits.  It is expected that a Dom will push a soft limit when they feel you might be ready but a hard limit warrants discussion and consent to me.   

So, how do you know when you are ready to re-evaluate your hard limit? 
Allowing someone to push your limits is really all about trust.  But no matter how much you trust someone, you may find there are some limits which are never meant to be pushed, particularly if you fear a significant personal negative reaction or loss of well being.  You have to be confident, regardless of whether you end up enjoying the experience or not, that you can handle the outcome and if you can't be sure, then you owe it to yourself to stand by the limits you established.   

But the fact of the matter is that limits can and do change over time.  Many times, the limiting factor is simply fear of the unknown.  Once you experience it, you realize, oh that wasn't a big deal.  Then a year down the road, when you love it more than anything, you wonder why on earth that was ever a limit.   

As you gain more experience and find more confidence within yourself, it is natural to want to explore boundaries.  A good Dom will also find ways to challenge you to explore your limits.   He shouldn't cross the line, because this may cause an irreparable breach in trust, but He may skirt the edge a little testing the waters until you are ready.   Maybe...just maybe...the idea of something will excite you when it didn't before. your mind opening to new possibilities.

Even though I find myself in a situation where the only thing the defines my boundaries are when He has reached His, He still  understands where my fears or insecurities lie.  He knows when to push and when not to push.  But some of that is because we have been together so long.  We have a marriage and a family that have to be considered so He wouldn't make a decision that would jeopardize all that we have.  Where there may be an issue of how I may handle something in particular, He works me there in baby steps, never pushing too hard or too fast.

He has also spent years learning about my fantasies...from the simple to the deepest and darkest.  While I am deathly afraid of experiencing certain things, I never considered them hard limits and  from the beginning, I understood He may eventually begin the slow process of bringing those fantasies to life. 

Well, I have gone on and on much longer than I had planned to but the most important thing to remember is that pushing limits all comes down to one thing and that is trust. 

Trust in yourself to know when you are ready for limits to be pushed and trust in your Dom to be there as your support and to push your limits without pushing your buttons. 



  1. "So, how do you know when you are ready to re-evaluate your hard limit?"

    When certain people (not pointing any fingers here ;) ) write super hot blog posts about similar experiences and it makes you realize that having these limits can also mean that you close doors to new experiences that you might actually enjoy. Oh, and that it was a way to hold on to some control (man, that was a humbling realization there).

    1. Haha! I think we all have super hot posts that make us think;) That's what is great about finding an awesome group of people like this where we can exchange ideas and experiences and grow and learn more about ourselves.

  2. I would like to have my limits pushed but being fairly new to TTWD, D/s I don't think he's ready to push just yet. Any advice on how to broach that subject? I guess I'm just a curious girl who craves new experiences.


    1. That's a tough question. Obviously communication is important and telling your Dom what you need is crucial.

      I can see the other side also. If you are fairly new though, it's important that even though he is your Dom, he may be fighting his own limits. And as we would want them to be considerate and not push our limits too fast, I guess we have to have the same consideration for them as well.


  3. Lovely, introspective post. I am really happy that both things function equally well here - your D/s relationship and your marriage. And they are even in the same relationship. :)

    1. Thank you Sir. Yes, while it's not perfect, I think we do the best that we can to weave the dynamic into our marriage, keeping them equally balanced. .

  4. scarlet, you crack me up!

    my limits are constantly being pushed. CONSTANTLY! He has been pushing since day 1. Not in a bad way either. There are a few limits that it is absolutely a hell to the no. Those are being wavered ever so slowly. Why? Some because of the reason for them "wait, He wants to do that, no way, that is embarrassing, etc" others because of what I was taught being raised. A third, brought to the party, particularly with another woman, being one of them.

    I think when your Master gets home, it will be easier to push those boundaries because of that intense connection that occurs in the moment where you don't even think twice that He did xyz, and after you analyze the scene it is an "okay, that wasn't bad".

    Little girl. . Thank you. I appreciate this post a lot and you have left me much to think on.

    1. I have to thank you HS for inspiring me to write this post. Just sorry it took longer than I had intended. Glad you liked it though:)

  5. no me, HS, my mouth! mind of her own, i tell you. ;)

    My limits have been pushed constantly for the past two weeks pretty hard. Hoping to get time to get them together into a couple of posts. As much as some of it makes me nervous, i'm still really happy that He is pushing. i completely redid my Yes-No-Maybe list for him...and He's taken complete advantage of it.

    i have those on occasion "you want to do what? to where?" or "you want me to do that?" and then i have to remember that i trust Him and that my embarrassment is my own emotion, He doesn't feel that for me. He just sees his whore.

    1. I do have to agree...from your posts, I can tell that your Master is pushing your limits but you seem to be handling it great!

      I can soooo understand the "you want to do what?" moments:)

  6. You've given me something to think about...

    1. You know what's funny about living this seems like we never stop thinking and analyzing do we:)
