Yes, I suppose I am a little late to this particular party or lagging a bit behind.
Oh...this post may very well be filled with puns. Haha!
What's this party you ask?
Well it's the Glass Plug Party!
And now, I would like to officially bid thee farewell to my menagerie of silicone plugs!! You are no longer good for me.
Why I didn't try a glass plug sooner...I have no idea.
But you know what they say?
Better late than never! Fashionably late is cool, right?
All this time, I guess they just seemed too intimidating...too cold...too unyielding.
However, after my escapades the weekend of my loan and having to fight that damn silicone plug to stay in the whole night, while dying a thousand deaths of embarrassment every time I had to shove it back in, I decided it was time to...take the plunge.
Of course, after asking Heron if I could buy one, He was all too happy to help me pick one out.
So last week, my assignment was to wear it everyday from the time I got home from work until bedtime. If I failed to have it in, sex was off the table.
Well, it was for me anyways. It's never off the table for him
. Better believe I was on top of that assignment.
Don't get me wrong...using a glass plug seemed to take a little more patience and relaxation, especially the first couple times I used it. Getting past that bulbous head was a bit of a challenge but once it's in...IT'S IN!!
I literally felt as if I could do anything and it wasn't going anywhere.
For the first time EVER, I actually enjoyed sex while plugged, without launching a missile. Don't know exactly what I mean.
I'm addicted!
And if you find yourself reading this and think "Wow...the plug in that picture looks familiar." Well yes, I totally copied. You know who you are! :-)